Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cat Urine Trivia - 5 Facts About The Odor And 3 Solutions For It

Cat Urine Trivia - 5 Facts About The Odor And 3 Solutions For It


There are over 80 million household cats in the United States alone, so it comes as no surprise that cat urine odor is high on the list of most searched-for terms. If you are struggling with this issue, here are 5 facts that may help understand and ultimately triumph over the odor.

1. It contains ammonia. And breathing these fumes can cause acute flare-ups for those who suffer with allergies and asthma.
2. It has a higher acid content than that of many other animals. This was designed to ward off predators, and for cats that are still allowed outdoors to find food, this is a huge aid in self-defense.
3. It glows under a black light. This happy fact makes it easier to find the offending spot and neutralize it.
4. It contains 95% water.
5. Urine contains the protein Fel D1 like dander and can also cause a skin reaction for those who are sensitive to it.

So now that you know all of these interesting facts, you're probably still wondering how something that is mostly water can literally cause such a stink, and how you can deal with the odor effectively. Here are 3 steps to take to literally clear your air.

Find and Neutralize The Spot---Finding the spot is sometimes the hardest part. What you can't see can hurt you and as you are probably now aware from personal experience, it can smell really bad. Sometimes the stain is evident, and sometimes you feel the wet spot under your feet--Yuk.
If you are having trouble finding it, use your nose particularly if you think it's on the furniture or the bed. You can also use number 3 above and shine the black light.

Neutralizing the spot will mean that your cat will be less likely to come back and repeat the inappropriate behavior, at least in the same place. There are all kinds of products on the market that are designed to remove the odor. One of the most natural is a solution of white vinegar as immediately after the accident has occurred as is possible.

Keep The Litter Box Clean---As discriminating as we might think our noses are cats have an even keener sense of smell. So keeping the litter box absolutely pristine will encourage your feline friend to go where it's supposed to go when it feels the urge.

Filter the Air---Even the best odor remover can sometimes not prevent a faint smell from continuing to occur especially if there is moisture introduced to the air. As cat lovers it is easy for our noses to turn a deaf ear to the smell because we are around it so much. Relatives and friends are less likely to ignore the smell so continually filtering the air is an effective and low maintenance way to keep the air smelling fresh.

An effective cleaner will not only need a carbon filter, but the carbon will need an additive that is specifically designed to remove the ammonia. A motor that allows 24 hours cleaning, as well as various sized filter for the wide range of particles cats can produce is a good idea as well.

Manage your allergies and enjoy your cat more with the Cat Dander Air Purifier from See it now at
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